Friday 28 February 2014

Popgos roulette system and how it netted me international acknowledgement

I finally got onto the international leaderboard by using the popgos roulette system.

Email for more info on how to learn the system.

Monday 14 October 2013

Test for googlencom

For those of us who have been following silk road's demise, here?s a new way of anonymising the web.

By exploiting search engines you no longer need to have a server and up address.

Simply replace the dot with n and you have the new next web address

Try it now.

Type bbcnconuk into google and see what happens next.

Monday 26 August 2013

Popgos Method for getting a discount saving every time

Here's the Popgos Method, a way of getting a discount every time you shop.

I use it to get cash back of approx £24 a month. As they say, every little helps and the more you spend, the more you save.

It all starts with a little card. Let me send you details.
Please email me
With the subject popgos method
And I will send you details.
Happy savings!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Can a business opportunity be described in one page?

Some Inspiration and Some Information
Can a business opportunity be described in 1 page?

Here’s my attempt. Please look through the information here and let’s talk about what you liked.

As far as our opportunity is concerned, you can do it in your spare time. Most of our team work part time, using internet and phone to grow our business. You can also do this full time, too.

In the last 6 years we have created over 100 millionaires and now growing into UK, Poland and the rest of Europe. Some of our team...

This is a business - you invest in by parting with £25 which gives you your website and a business for life. You learn and grow and build your business each day if you want.

Some information.

Some inspiration

I'm sure you will have questions once you have looked through the videos.

Let me know and I will be able to get you access to the information.

Can you do it? Yes – I believe in you.

Mark N Hopgood
skype: mark.hopgood

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Meet the team

We're helping to launch MonaVie in the UK and Europe.

MonaVie is currently the 18th fastest growing privately company in USA.
In the health and wellness industry, MonaVie has created over 30 multi millionaires in the last 5 years.

Here's our current UK team profile.

CEO - Dallin Larsen, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the year

Brig & Lita Hart - R3Global director, currently the top paid distributor in MonaVie ($12m a year)
Steve Merritt - MonaVie second highest earner ($6m a year)
Matt Hammond - European Sales Director, cisco and currently UK's highest paid MonaVie distributor (£1000 a week part time)

All our team members are fully trained and coached in our business to succeed.

Other team members include...

David Ingham - Project Manager
David Hale - London City Accountant
Mark & Sue Hopgood - Entrepreneurs and A-Level Business Studies Teachers
Mr David Gerrard - top UK Vascular Surgeon
Daley Thompson - is a former Olympic decathlon gold medal winner and four times world record breaking athlete.

More information about us, Mark & Sue Hopgood and further links to the project

If you would like to know more, please contact the person who sent you here
Mark Hopgood
07767 875 550

Meet us:

Wednesday evening in London:

Thursday evening online: - 9pm

Here's to your success.